Anzahl Effect Pigment lets you transform typical straight colors into striking shades by adding 30g of Anzahl Effect Pigment to every liter of Anzahl Carshow Clear. For a pearlescent finish, apply Anzahl Effect Pigment over a white basecoat. This will yield the finish you’re looking for, no matter the color. For a more elegant approach, use black as a basecoat. That will allow you to showcase the full brilliance of Anzahl Effect Pigments. You can also mix different Anzahl Effect Pigments, adjust its quantity, or use a basecoat color of your choice for a color that’s truly unique to your ride. Customize your car and get creative! Anzahl Effect Pigment’s kaleidoscopic range of hues, shades, and finishes lets you pick and choose a color for your car that allows you show it off with pride.
1. Add 30g of Anzahl Effect Pigment to 1 Liter of Anzahl Carshow Clear (packed 3/4 full). Mix thoroughly. |
4. Spray on surfaces basecoated with Anzahl Basecoat Color.
2. Add 1/4 L Anzahl Topcoat Catalyst (3:1 Ratio). Mix thoroughly. |
5. For additional gloss and protection, Topcoat with one or two coats of Anzahl Carshow Clear. |
3. Reduce with 1L of Anzahl Thinner (1:1 Ratio). Mix throughly.